Orthopaedic Preventive Care

Every year, our country performs hundreds of thousands of shoulder replacements, elbow replacements, knee replacements, and hip replacements. And those figures are rising.

However, some of these operations can be avoided. Muscle strength, joint flexibility, and bone density are all directly affected by exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy body weight can also help to reduce the effects of osteoarthritis and prevent injuries, according to growing data.

Your Prime Ortho and Shoulder Care specialist can advise you on how to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle that will enable you to continue walking, working, and participating in your favorite hobbies.

Prevent Obesity

Eat healthy diet

Lot of orthopaedic problems can be prevented or minimized by taking simple steps like exercises, environmental adjustments and etc.

Prevent wear and tear

It is been generally described as strength your muscles to prevent wear and tear in other words prevent arthritis. Muscles won’t wear and tear. If we strength the muscles that will take the load of joints and reduces the forces or weight going through the joints. When muscles are not stronger force goes through the joint increases hence indirectly wear and tear of joints. Wear and tear are a slow process. By strengthen the particular muscle or group of muscles we can shift the load goes through your joint to muscles.

Not all exercises suitable for everyone. You can consult your doctor or WhatsApp us on +91 9003222747 for free guidance from Dr Sivaraman B..

To prevent wear and tear in lower Spine / Back

You can do stretching and strengthening exercises for your spine. Drink adequate water to keep hydration of your disc (which is present in between the spinal bones).

Stretching exercises for lower back

  • Lie on a flat surface
  • Fold both the legs in hips and knees and bring it towards the tummy
  • Hold it with your hands
  • Hold for 10 seconds
  • Relax
  • Repeat the same action again 2 to 5 times

Strengthen your Lower spine / Back

  • Lie on your back in flat surface
  • Bend the knees to 90 degrees
  • Raise your lower spine from floor
  • Hold in the position of bridge for 10 seconds. Relax for 2 to 5 seconds
  • Repeat the same for five to 10 times.

If any of these causing pain, stop and consult your doctor.

To prevent knee wear and tear

Strength Quadriceps. There are various ways you can strengthen the quadriceps. I have given simple one here you can do it while you are sitting in the chair or sofa.

Sit in sofa or chair. From this position straighten one leg first (lift it from ground). Hold for 10 seconds. Relax (bring down the leg) for 2 to 5 seconds.
Repeat the same for 20 to thirty times. Now do with other leg. You can do two to three times a day.

If any time it causing the pain – please stop what you are doing and consult your orthopaedic doctor. Don’t do both sides together.


Prevent Arthritis

Shoulder Exercises
As a result of wear and tear, overuse or possibly an accident, some of the muscles deep inyour shoulder have worn.
Healthy Working - Ergonomics
It is the scientific study of people and their working conditions, especially done in order to improve effectiveness.
Excercises for Back Pain
Back pain with leg pain might be due to nerve compression from spinal cord due to various reasonssuch as disc prolapse etc.
Excercises for Neck Pain
If you got neck painwith arm/upper limb pain itmay bedue to compression of nerve root fibres. Only neck pain can betreated with physiotherapy.
Excercises for Tennis Elbow
It is a painful condition that occurs when tendons in your elbow are overloaded , usually by repetitive motionsof the wrist and arm.
Excercises for Anterior Knee Pain
Pain in front (anterior) of the knee when bending (with loading) i.e., getting up from sitting position orwhen going up stairs or coming downstairs.

Sports Injury Prevention tips

Sports participation among Indian children is at an all-time high. Sports assist children and teenagers in maintaining a healthy body and a positive self-image. However, there are several crucial injury prevention tips that parents can use to ensure that their child has a safe and enjoyable sports experience.

Injury Risks:

Injury is a possibility in all sports. Fortunately, the benefits of sports involvement outweigh the hazards for the vast majority of young people. In general, the higher the level of contact in a sport, the higher the danger of traumatic damage. Overuse, on the other hand, is the leading cause of injury in young athletes.

Sprains (ligament injuries), strains (muscle injuries), and stress fractures are the most common types of sports injuries (injuries to bones). Excessive stress is imposed on tendons, joints, bones, and muscles, resulting in injury. View More...

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